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Introducing the Lab

Sidekick’s unique ability to support single- and multi-chronic patients has been proven to deliver real-world clinical- and cost of care improvement.

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Blue Sidekick standing behind some medicine and a calendar, demonstrating Sidekick's many patient-centric treatment options.

Our DTx Lab has created over 250 sets of patient-centric treatment options to tackle various behaviors, conditions, and to provide seamless treatment support.

With each development cycle, we iterate and improve existing modules to deepen the knowledge and strength of our AI to tailor the experience for each and every user.

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Sidekick’s DTx products

Atopic Dermatitis


About the treatment

SK-351 is a digital health product that helps people self-manage the symptoms of mild to severe Atopic Dermatitis (AD) or eczema.

The cycle of itching and scratching results in increased stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation, decreasing the quality of life for people living with Atopic Dermatitis. This Sidekick program increases awareness through clinically validated educational resources and encourages the creation of habits through behavioral modification, aiming to improve mental health and overall well-being.

The program focuses on improving treatment adherence and lifestyle factors, helping people stick to a treatment routine with reminders, acknowledging, tracking, and avoiding triggers. Patients are also empowered to break the itch-scratch cycle with various tools and education. Access to a lifestyle coach further enhances the support received by people going through the program.

Anthony photo
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Patient-centric education and support programmes are immensely important for the holistic management of patients with dermatological diseases, especially programmes which recognise the importance of patients' psychological wellbeing. The app developed by Sidekick is a great way of empowering patients through the app's programmes and modules.

Professor Anthony Bewley BA (Hons), FRCP

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Clinical objectives

According to research, treatment adherence is the single most important factor in minimizing symptoms. This program helps people living with atopic dermatitis adhere to their medication and lifestyle modification treatment routine, tracking their symptoms, acknowledging and avoiding triggers, improving hygiene, frequent moisturizing, and reminders to take medication.

Research also shows that stressors and poor sleep can induce flares. This Sidekick program provides tools for self-managing stress triggers and healthy sleep hygiene using clinically validated behavioral modification techniques.

Natasha photo
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Atopic Dermatitis has a powerful effect on the quality of life and mental health of our patients, and psychological and lifestyle factors can also strongly influence the condition. The optimal care of Atopic Dermatitis is therefore holistic in nature, but the limited time available makes this difficult to achieve in standard clinics. The Sidekick app helps to address all of these important, wider aspects of care and so will complement and enhance medical treatments. The programme is enjoyable to use and full of useful information, and I believe it will be hugely beneficial for patients.

Dr. Natasha Harper, Dermatologist

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Psoriatic Arthritis

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Psoriatic Arthritis, get in touch.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, get in touch.

Ulcerative Colitis

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Ulcerative Colitis, get in touch.

Crohn’s Disease


About the treatment

SK-321 is a patient support program for people with Crohn’s disease. The program focuses on behavioral change techniques so patients can better manage their condition and control their symptoms.

Crohn’s disease is a concealable illness and patients often lack sufficient knowledge or understanding of the condition. Furthermore, they do not always know how to play a more active role in their own healthcare on a daily basis.

The Crohn’s digital therapeutics program from Sidekick Health features comprehensive educational content on a number of key areas, including reducing stress, increasing energy levels, getting better sleep, getting more active, and maintaining a healthy diet, giving patients insight and the tools to manage their condition.

The Crohn’s program adopts a holistic approach and encourages patients to make positive, incremental behavioral changes. Due to social stigma and the unpredictable nature of the disease, Crohn’s can affect the mental health of patients, triggering feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression.

The digital therapeutics program from Sidekick encourages patients to practice mindfulness and self-compassion to improve their overall wellbeing. Furthermore, increased awareness of the condition and its symptoms means that patients are equipped to identify mental health factors and ask for help when it’s needed. 

PD Dr. med. Emanuel Burri
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With Sidekick, those affected not only receive important information about their disease, but are also supported in many everyday questions and accompanied in a motivating manner. Sidekick helps people to use their own resources and to actively tackle life with inflammatory bowel disease.

PD Dr. med. Emanuel Burri

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Clinical objectives

The right disease care is vital for the effective management of Crohn’s disease.

The Crohn’s program empowers people living with the disease to gain control of their symptoms through education and behavior change techniques so they are able to improve their overall quality of life. The program also features medication and treatment reminders as well as education on how critical treatment and medication adherence is.

Patients are guided on how to identify and control triggers, practice stress management techniques, and implement good sleep hygiene.

Health and nutrition are also core focus areas as the program features a food logging function and physical activity tracker. Patients can receive nutritional feedback from a health coach and instructions on how and why to follow a healthy diet. With the Crohn’s disease program from Sidekick, patients have access to meaningful support whenever and wherever they need it.

Gerda Neumayer- patient
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What I like best is the feedback I get from the coach in the meal diary. Without the program I would not have dared to change my diet. The app gives me security here. As a result, I was able to gradually change my diet and have lost several kilos so far.

Gerda Neumayer- patient

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Type 2 Diabetes

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Type 2 Diabetes, get in touch.


If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with NASH, get in touch.

Congestive Heart Failure

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Congestive Heart Failure, get in touch.

Coronary Artery Disease

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Coronary Artery Disease, get in touch.

Breast Cancer

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Breast Cancer, get in touch.

General Cancer

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with General Cancer, get in touch.

Behavioral Health

If you’d like to learn more about the program and how Sidekick can support people living with Behavioral Health, get in touch.
Blue Sidekick icon encouraging anyone interested to get in touch with us.

To learn more about how Sidekick’s products can support your patients, please get in touch.